Carolina Federal Republican
Page and Column
Page 4, Column 2
Newspaper Location
New Bern, North Carolina
Serial Number
Felt report for the February 7, 1812 earthquake from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Detailed account. Time of earthquake was a few minutes before 4:00 am local time. Earthquake was felt more in southern part of the city than northern part. Source of article was Philadelphia newspaper edited by Mr. Poulson
PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 8. Earthquakes--Several distinct shocks or undulations of the earth were felt in this city yesterday morning, a few minutes before four o'clock. To several persons it appeared as if their bedsteads were raised under them by a pressure [unreadable]. One gentleman describes [unreadable] so violent as to force open the [unreadable] of a wardrobe in his bed chamber [unreadable] state, that their chamber doors were thrown open, and articles [unreadable] from ceilings and walls [unreadable] state of oscillation for more [unreadable]. The undulations were more severly [unreadable] the southern than northern part of country. MR. POULSON, The earthquake which happened this morning, was, by the watch, [unreadable] A.M.-I find by T. Parker's [unreadable] that my watch was slow [unreadable] will give the correct time, [unreadable]. The duration of the trembling was at least 1m. 30s probably 2m [unreadable] intervals of quickness. The person [unreadable] awakened [unreadable] that it began with a noise resembling the very quick passage of a dray over hard ground. The motion appeared to be from east to west. All the furniture of my chamber was much agitated, particularly the bed in which I slept and the drawer handles of a desk and book case, standing on the west side, which continued rattling for some seconds after the motion of the bedstead had ceased. I send you these remarks, with assurance that you may depend on the correctness of the time. Perhaps some other persons may have made similar observations indifferent places, by comparing which together, an idea may be formed on the centre from which the numerous late shocks proceeded. Yours. &c. W. V. Feb. 7. 1812.
Recommended Citation
"“Earthquakes”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 796.