The Courier
Page and Column
Page 3, Column 1
Newspaper Location
Norwich, Connecticut
Serial Number
Felt report Charleston, South Carolina, for the January 23, 1812 earthquake. Time of the quake was 9:15 am (local time) Notes cracked pavement and a damaged brick house on Brownlee street. Notes report that Natchez was destroyed but gives it no credence.
Earthquake. On the 23d ult. a severe shock of an Earthquake was felt at Charleston, 15 minutes past 9 in the morning, and continued for one minute. The pavements in several streets were cracked, and Mr. Brownlee's house in King-street was cracked in several places from top to bottom. It was reported at Charleston, that a part of the town of Natchez had been sunk by an Earthquake, and that 4000 persons had perished. The report was not credited.
Recommended Citation
"“Earthquake”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 807.