“Thursday morning last...”
Edenton Gazette
Page and Column
Page 3, Column 4
Newspaper Location
Edenton, North Carolina
Serial Number
Felt report from Norfolk, Virginia for the January 23, 1812 earthquake. Source is the Norfolk Ledger. Notes that ships in the port were shaken and houses on wharves were shaken violently.
Thursday morning last at half past 9 o'clock a very smart shock of an Earthquake was felt in this place and Portsmouth; its direction appeared to be from South to North, and its continuation about fifteen seconds. The effects of this convulsion were much more sensibly felt than those which happened about a month since. The shock was so violent as to agitate the vessels in the port, and the houses on the wharves were in most instances shaken violently.--Norfolk Ledger.
Recommended Citation
"“Thursday morning last...”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 854.