“The following paragraphs...”
Edenton Gazette
Page and Column
Page 3, column 2
Newspaper Location
Edenton, North Carolina
Serial Number
Report from Natchez, Mississippi for the December 16, 1811 earthquake. Source is the Charleston Times. Time of first earthquake was 2:00 am (local time) a second one was felt between daylight and sunrise, Another was felt on December 17 at 12:00 p.m. (local time) and was described as slight. No information on effect or damage reported.
The following paragraph is copied from the Natchez Gazette of the 19th Dec. it puts to rest the late report that a part of that city had been sunk by an Earthquake. Charleston Times. "Earthquake.-A pretty strong shock of an Earthquake was felt in this city, about 2 o'clock on Monday morning last, a slighter one between day light and sun-rise on the same morning, and another slight shock about noon on the next day. The probable distance from the producing cause of these shocks gives room for entertaining fearful and melancholy apprehensions that the effects, where they have been most severely felt, have been dreadful and desolating indeed."
Recommended Citation
"“The following paragraphs...”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 856.