“Extract of a letter”
The Courier
Page and Column
Page 3, Column 1
Newspaper Location
Norwich, Connecticut
Serial Number
Account from Havana, Cuba from January 13, 1812 relating events on the island. No mention of earthquakes being felt there.
Extract of a letter from Havana, to a Gentleman in Baltimore, dated Havanna, January 13. "The long expected convoy has arrived from Cadiz with 1600 regular troops, who, it is said, will be disembarked to-morrow. They state that they parted, a few days past, with the convoy for Vera Cruz, having on board 5000 troops, destined for the defense of Mexico and reducing the rebels. The mail has not been yet landed-consequently we do not know the news from Cadiz. There is a military character on board, who is a marquis and a grandee of Spain-but we do not yet know whether he stops here or proceeds to Mexico. "An indirect trade has been opened to the kingdoms of New Spain and Vera Cruz, on very favorable terms-in the prosecution of which specie can be extracted-but there are only a few who have any knowledge of the two royal orders authorising the said trade." "In a letter from Vera Cruz, under date of Nov. 30, it is stated "that affairs in that kingdom bear a more favorable aspect, but that markets were unfavorable and confidence destroyed-that when the troops arrive from Cadiz, then daily looked for, confidence would be restored, and a safe conveyance ensured for specie to Vera Cruz, and goods from thence to the interior. This market (Vera Cruz) is yet unfavorable for dry goods; flour is again up $22, and will be higher. Exchange on the U. S. 6 per cent at 60 days, and British government bills 24 per cent above par. Sugar and coffee keep up and in demand; i.e. first quality and Muscovado, yet scarce, and from 6 to $7 per quintal." An eruption took place at Mount Etna, on the 3d of November last, which is described as being more violent and destructive to the Villages below the Crater, than any which had happened for several years.
Recommended Citation
"“Extract of a letter”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 869.