“No mail north of Natchez...”
Louisiana Gazette
Page and Column
Page 2, Column 3
Newspaper Location
New Orleans
Serial Number
Report from Natchez that a small shock of an earthquake was felt there on December 16, 1811. Notes that it was not felt at New Orleans. Also contains some theories on earthquakes. .
No mail north of Natchez yesterday. Letters from that city state that a small shock of an earthquake had been felt there some days ago. From the principles of earthquakes we are surprised it was not felt here. Earthquakes have generally been felt in southern mountainous countries; sometimes located to a small portion of country sometimes more extended. Different nations, near the Adriatic and the Mediterranean, have felt the shock of an earthquake at the same moment. The Comet has been passing to the westward since it passed its perihelion--perhaps it has touched the mountains of California, that has given a small shake to this side of the globe-or the shake which the Natchezians have felt may be a mysterious visitation from the Author of all nature, on them for their sins-wickedness and the want of good faith have long prevailed in that Territory. Sodom and Gomorrha would have been saved had three righteous persons been found in it-we therefore hope that Natchez has been saved on the some principle.
Recommended Citation
"“No mail north of Natchez...”" (1811). New Madrid Compendium. 875.