Charleston Courier
Page and Column
Page 3, Column 2.
Newspaper Location
Charleston, South Carolina
Serial Number
Felt report for the December 16, 1811 earthquake at Knoxville, Tennessee. First shock was felt at “About two o’clock” the duration of which was “from three to five minutes”. The effect was to rattle window glass and furniture and awaken people. The second shock was felt at about 2:30 am with a duration of half a minute. this was followed by three other shocks “between sunrise and breakfast” each of a few seconds duration. Also noted were two flashes of light “resembling distant lightening”
KNOXVILLE, (TENN.) DEC. 16. Earthquake.About two o'clock this morning, this town experienced the shock of an earthquake, which lasted from three to five minutes, the ratling of the window glass and furniture in the rooms was so great as to rouse every family in the town. A second shock succeeded in half an hour, which continued about half a minute. Between sun-rise and breakfast, three other, each of a few seconds duration, were felt. We have heard of no damaged being done. At the end of the first and longest shock, there were, in a direction due north, two flashes of light, (an interval of about a minute between them) much resembling distant lightning.
Recommended Citation
"“Earthquake”" (1811). New Madrid Compendium. 88.