“for the English Turn”
Louisiana Gazette
Page and Column
Page 3, Column 2
Newspaper Location
New Orleans, Louisiana
Serial Number
Advertisement for the Steam boat New Orleans for a cruise from New Orleans to the English turn. Trip occurred during the time of the New Madrid earthquakes. And would have occurred 2 days before the January 23, 1812 earthquake.
For the English-Turn. THE STEAM-BOAT New-Orleans WILL run from this place to the English-Turn and back on Friday next; to start precisely at 10 A M-Tickets of admission may be procured at the two Coffee-Houses, at Three Dollars each. The Boat it is expected will return at 3 o'clock, P. M. All Passengers, therefore, who may desire to dine before that hour, it is expected will carry with them their own provisions. January 16 LE BATEAU a VAPEURS appele Nouvelle Orleans, pardra Vendredi prochain, a 10 heures du matin pour le dtour des Auglais, d'ouil reviendra en ville le meme jour, a trois heurs de lapres midi. On peut se procurer aux deux bourses de cette ville, des billets de passage, a raison de trois piastres par personne. Los passagers qui voudraient diner avant trois heures, voudront bien en consequence embarquer leurs provisions. 15 Janvier-2
Recommended Citation
"“for the English Turn”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 881.