“An Earthquake!”
The Times
Page and Column
Page 3, Column 1
Newspaper Location
Charleston, South Carolina
Serial Number
Felt report of the December 16, 1811 earthquake at Charleston, South Carolina. Time of the first shock was “a few minutes before three.” Duration was “Between two and three minutes”. Effects included the ringing of the St. Phillips Clock bell for 10 seconds, stopping many clocks in the city, agitation of wells in the city. Other aftershocks were noted at a little before 8:00 am which lasted for more than an minute and another at 8:10 am that lasted 2 or three seconds. Account mentions other earthquakes felt at Charleston in the past. These were felt on May 19, 1754 and April 11, 1799 and January 13, 1811( which was also felt at Columbia and Granby, and Augusta, Georgia)
An Earthquake! This morning, at a few minutes before three o'clock, a severe shock of an Earthquake was felt in this City. Its duration is supposed to have been two and three minutes. For an hour previous, though the air was perfectly calm, and several Stars visible, there was at intervals of about five minutes, a rumbling noise, resembling distant thunder; which increased in violence of sound just before the shock was felt. The vibration of St. Philip's Steeple, caused the clock bell to ring about 10 seconds. Two other shocks were felt this morning, one a little before 8 o'clock, and the other 10 minutes after that hour; both slighter than the first, and of shorter duration: the vibration of the second lasted probably rather more than a minute; and of the last, 2 or 3 seconds. Many of the clocks were stopped; and the water in the different wells was much agitated. We have not heard of any damage having been done by these repeated Shocks; nor have we heard how far they have extended into the country; except that they were felt at Rantowle's. Such phenomena, until lately, were very rare. One is remembered to have happened on the 19th May, 1754, about 11 o'clock, A.M.; but it was very slight. Another slight one was felt on the 11th April, 1799, about 2 o'clock in the morning. In the year 1811, on the 13th January, another occurred, and was felt at Columbia and Granby in this state, and at Augusta in Georgia, but not in Charleston.
Recommended Citation
"“An Earthquake!”" (1811). New Madrid Compendium. 90.