“Extract of a Letter...”
The Times
Page and Column
Page 3, Column 1
Newspaper Location
Charleston, South Carolina
Serial Number
Felt report from the Charleston City Gazette reprinted in the Times. Location was Stono, St. Paul’s Parish. “ At ten minutes before three this morning, we were very much alarmed by the shock of an Earthquake which was very severe, and lasted about two minutes...” “The shock was so violent that it awoke Mr. S. and all the family; we were soon assembled in the parlor, where we remained till day light, expecting a return of this awful phenomenon, which providentially, did not take place. Even the fowls instinctively left their roosts, and ran out into the yard, nor did they return.”
EXTRACT OF A LETTER From Stono, St. Paul's Parish, to the Editor of the City Gazette; dated December 16. At ten minutes before three this morning, we were very much alarmed by the shock of an Earthquake, which was very severe, and lasted about two minutes. The wind, which was light, was N. W.; the sky tolerably clear, except a few clouds in the N. W. horizon. The shock was so violent, that it awoke Mr. S. and all the family; we were soon assembled in the parlor, where we remained till day light; expecting a return of this awful phenomenon, which, providentially, did not take place.-Even the fowls instinctively left their roosts, and ran out into the yard, nor did they return."
Recommended Citation
"“Extract of a Letter...”" (1811). New Madrid Compendium. 93.