“More of the Earthquake “
National Intelligencer
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Page 3, Column 4
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Washington, D. C.
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Synopsis report for shocks and aftershocks December 16, 1811 earthquake from South Carolina. Reports from Columbia, South Carolina for December 16, 1811 earthquake and for December 18, 1811. Earthquake also noted at Statesburg which is 9 miles west of Sumter, South Carolina. Report for December 16, earthquake from Stono, in St. Paul’s parish, South Carolina. Located south of Charleston, South Carolina. Another aftershock noted at Charleston, South Carolina on December 17, 1811. Good detailed felt reports, note date time and effect and damage at all locations mentioned.
MORE OF THE EARTHQUAKE. Columbia, (S. C.) Dec. 17. The inhabitants of this town were much alarmed, yesterday morning, by repeated shocks of earthquakes. The first took place about half after two; which shook the houses as if rocked by the waves of the sea; it was followed after the cessation of a minute by three slighter ones; and at 8 o'clock two others took place, and at 10 some slight ones. The South Carolina College appeared to rock from its foundation, and a apart of the plaistering fell; which so alarmed, the students that they left the college without their clothes. It appeared as if all the buildings would be levelled. The dogs barked, fowls made a racket, and numbers of the inhabitants were running about with lights, not knowing where to go, so great was their alarm. During the shock, the air felt as if it was impregnated with steam, which lasted for some time after the first shock. December 20. About a quarter past 12 o'clock on Tuesday last, another smart shock of an earthquake was experienced by the citizens of this place. The shock which was experienced at half past two o'clock, on Monday morning last, from what we have been able to learn, has been very extensive, and generally severe. In Laurens and Newberry, the only back districts we have as yet heard form, it was so severe, that it cracked and started some of the chimnies from the houses. By a gentleman just from Charleston, we are informed, that the people there were so much alarmed that many left their houses; that the bells in the churches range, & that some of the clocks in houses were stopt by the severity of the shock. From Statesburg we hear it was equally severe, but fortunately no damage was done. At all the above places, the shock appears to have been felt about the same time it was here. Charleston, December 18. Another earthquake was felt yesterday at 15 minutes past 12 o'clock. Its duration did not exceed 30 seconds. The shock was so severe as to be very sensibly felt, generally by those in their houses, while those in the streets were not aware of it. Articles in a hanging position vibrated considerably, and as far as we can learn, their vibrations were from north to south. The shock on Monday morning at 3 o'clock, was felt severely at Goose Creek and its neighborhood; fortunately without damage. The weather yesterday as on Monday, cloudy and rainy, with a slight breeze form the N. N. E. Thermometer at 56. We learn that the house of a Mr. Bunetheau, at the upper end of the city, was so damaged by the first shock, at 3 o'clock on Monday morning, as to oblige the family to move out. Extract of a letter to the Editor, from Stono, St. Paul's Parish, dated December 16. "At ten minutes before three this morning, we were very much alarmed by the shock of an earthquake, which was very severe, and lasted about 52o minutes; the wind, which was light, was N. W. the sky tolerably clear, except a few clouds in the N. W. horizon. The shock was so violent that it awoke Mrs. S. and all the family, we were soon assembled in the parlour, where we remained till day light, expecting a return of this awful phenomenon, which, providentially, did not take place. Even the fowls instinctively left their roosts, and ran out into the yard, nor did they return"
Recommended Citation
"“More of the Earthquake “" (1811). New Madrid Compendium. 943.