“Extract of a letter”





Norfolk Herald

Page and Column

Page 3, Column 1

Newspaper Location

Norfolk, Virginia

Serial Number



Extract from a letter to a father in Norfolk from a eyewitness to the December 16, 1811 earthquake. Written from the Chickasaw agency, (probably Chickasaw Buffs). Eyewitness noted they had passed New Madrid on December 15 and were south of there when the earthquake happened at 2:00 am(local time). They felt a jar of a earthquake sensibly. Since they they heard the sound of distant thunder. Writer promises to make a full account when they reach Natchez. Unique account and not found anywhere else


Extract of a letter from a Gentleman who is descending the River Mississippi, to his father in this place, dated Chickasaw Agency, Dec. 27, 1811. "On the 13th we reached the confluence of Ohio and Mississippi; and on the 14th we entered the 'father of rivers;' on the 15th we passed New-Madrid, a small settlement on Upper Louisiana, and at 2 o'clock on the morning of the 16th, we sensibly felt the jar of a distant convulsion, which we conjectured to be an Earthquake, caused by the eruption of some volcanic operations far to the West of the Valley of the Mississippi.-We hope in God that its seat was far from human habitation. We have frequently heard a distant noise like thunder since; the 16th was indeed a solemn, awful, and gloomy day; but now all seems quiet and serene; safety has returned our cheerfulness to us, and our hearts are now warmed with grateful thanks to the Supreme Ruler of Nature, for our preservation.-From Natchez or New-Orleans, I will write you a full and minute account of the convulsion."
