Norfolk Herald
Page and Column
Page 2, Column 4
Newspaper Location
Norfolk, Virginia
Serial Number
Felt report for the February 7, 1812 earthquake from Russelville, Kentucky. Time of earthquake was 3:30 am(local time). Effect was noted to be more considerable than previous earthquakes and was followed by several lighter earthquakes. Also notes people fleeing the New Madrid area. Good account.
RUSSELLVILLE, (Ken.) Feb. 12. EARTHQUAKES!! About half past 3 o'clock on Friday morning last, this place was visited by another earthquake, the convulsion of which was infinitely more considerable than any previously felt; it was succeeded by several lighter ones. On Friday night there were three light ones and we have several times since felt moderate shakes. The Little Prairie is the seat of the eruptions, we have every reason to believe, from the statements we have heard from travelers from that distressed part of the country; though it was not our opinion when we received Mr. Fletcher's statement, which is confirmed by all the people from that country with whom we conversed. We are told that every individual who has it in his power to move, is doing so. Many fled precipitately with nothing but their clothes and a few blankets to shield them from the inclemency of the weather. Whole estates were offered for a single horse. We feel! let the reader feel! but we cannot describe, nor could our informants, what was felt by men of large families and small fortunes, with their helpless women and children who were not able to withdraw from this scene of dread and horror! We have seen no person from that country who did not leave it previous to any of the recent shakes; but all with whom we have conversed give it as their opinion that there is now no vestage of property in that country undestroyed, or one acre of land unsunk!
Recommended Citation
"“Earthquakes”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 975.