Petersburg Intelligencer
Page and Column
Page 2, Column 3
Newspaper Location
Petersburg, Virginia
Serial Number
Felt report for the January 23, 1812 earthquake from Charleston, South Carolina. Time of the earthquake was a few minutes past 9 am(local time) and the duration was 40 seconds. Caused nausea and giddiness and caused the joists in the building where the report was made to make a cracking sound as if the building was coming down.
CHARLESTON, January 24. Yesterday morning a few minutes past nine o'clock, a severe shock of an Earthquake was felt in this city. Its duration was not less than forty seconds, and the effect much more sensibly felt than ever was known in this place before. The vibrations were in an easterly and westerly direction, and so severe that the joints in the large brick block of buildings in which our Office is kept, cracked as if the whole was coming down. Many persons complained of nausea to the stomach, and vertigo in the head.
Recommended Citation
"“Charleston”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 995.