A laboratory perspective on accelerating preparatory processes before earthquakes and implications for foreshock detectability


Dynamic failure in the laboratory is commonly preceded by many foreshocks which accompany premonitory aseismic slip. Aseismic slip is also thought to govern earthquake nucleation in nature, yet, foreshocks are rare. Here, we examine how heterogeneity due to different roughness, damage and pore pressures affects premonitory slip and acoustic emission characteristics. High fluid pressures increase stiffness and reduce heterogeneity which promotes more rapid slip acceleration and shorter precursory periods, similar to the effect of low geometric heterogeneity on smooth faults. The associated acoustic emission activity in low-heterogeneity samples becomes increasingly dominated by earthquake-like double-couple focal mechanisms. The similarity of fluid pressure increase and roughness reduction suggests that increased stress and geometric homogeneity may substantially shorten the duration of foreshock activity. Gradual fault activation and extended foreshock activity is more likely observable on immature faults at shallow depth.

Publication Title

Nature Communications
