Seismic and Liquefaction Hazard Maps for Five Western Tennessee Counties
A five-year seismic and liquefaction hazard mapping project for five western Tennessee counties began in 2017 and supported natural hazard mitigation efforts in Lake, Dyer, Lauderdale, Tipton, and Madison counties. Additional geological, geotechnical, and geophysical information has been gathered in all five counties to improve the base northern Mississippi Embayment hazard maps of Dhar and Cramer (2017). Information gathered includes additional geological and geotechnical subsurface exploration logs, water table level data collection, new measurements of shallow shear-wave velocity (VS) profiles, and the compilation of existing VS profiles in and around the counties. Improvements have been made in the 3D geological model, water table model, the geotechnical liquefaction probability curves, and the VS correlationwith lithology model for these counties. The resulting updated soil response amplification distributions on a 0.5 km grid were combined with the 2014 U.S. Geological Survey seismic hazard model (Petersen et al., 2014) earthquake sources and attenuation models to add the effect of local geology for Lake, Dyer, Lauderdale, Tipton, and Madison Counties. The resulting products are similar to the Memphis and Shelby County urban seismic hazard maps recently updated by Cramer, Dhar, and Arellano (2018). Generally, the effect of local geology is to reduce seismic hazard at short periods and increase it at long periods. Liquefaction hazard is high only in the alluvial lowlands, but not in the loess covered uplands.
Publication Title
Seismological Research Letters
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Cramer, Chris H.; Van Arsdale, Roy B.; Arellano, David; Pezeshk, Shahram; Horton, Stephen P.; Weathers, Taylor; Nazemi, Nima; Tohidi, Hamed; Reichenbacher, Renee; Harrison, Valarie; Bhattarai, Roshan R.; Akhani, Mohsen; Bouzeid, Karim; and Patterson, Gary L., "Seismic and Liquefaction Hazard Maps for Five Western Tennessee Counties" (2023). Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI) Faculty Publications. 17.