Full Waveform Inversion Based on Dynamic Time Warping and Application to Reveal the Crustal Structure of Western Yunnan, Southwest China
We develop a 3D full waveform inversion (FWI) method based on dynamic time warping (DTW) to address the issue of cycle-skipping, which can prohibit the convergence of conventional FWI methods. DTW globally compares data samples at different time steps in 2D matrices against the time shifts of waveforms. We introduce the concept of shape descriptors into softDTW, creating a soft-shapeDTW objective function within our waveform inversion process to improve alignment accuracy. Additionally, including constraints from Sakoe-Chiba bands in the inversion further enhances efficiency and overall performance. A synthetic test has shown that the soft-shapeDTW inversion outperforms conventional waveform inversions in overcoming the cycle-skipping challenges that arise from poor initial models. This method was applied to fit observed seismograms to reveal western Yunnan's crustal structure. Seismic waveforms were recorded by 88 broadband stations from 10 local earthquakes, which were then denoised using a continuous wavelet transform method. Generalized cut and paste waveform inversions were used to determine the source parameters of these seismic events. Our inversion well-aligned various seismic phases in the selected time windows of seismograms, and the resolved velocity models well associate with local geological structure. Results suggest that the soft-shapeDTW inversion offers a robust alternative to FWI, reducing the reliance on accurate starting models.
Publication Title
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
Recommended Citation
Tan, Jiayan; Wang, Weitao; and Langston, Charles A., "Full Waveform Inversion Based on Dynamic Time Warping and Application to Reveal the Crustal Structure of Western Yunnan, Southwest China" (2024). Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI) Faculty Publications. 20.