Denoising of Dense Spatial Array Data Using the Curvelet Transform


To remove background noise from seismic data recorded by spatially dense arrays, we have developed a space‐based denoising procedure using the discrete curvelet transform. Based on a detailed statistical characterization of noise coefficients through the empirical cumulative distribution function method within a pre‐event time window, signal and noise can be separated effectively by nonlinear thresholding. After synthetic test, we applied this method on data from an industry 3D seismic experiment recorded at an array deployed near Utica, Ohio. The denoising results show good waveform consistency with a significantly enhanced signal‐to‐noise ratio. Our curvelet approach allows a more computationally efficient spatial–temporal localization analysis of seismic data than conventional curvelet techniques by avoiding the assumption of stationary Gaussian‐distributed noise and can be implemented as a complement of time‐domain wavelet methods with fewer frequency losses after denoising. This new method provides a fast and convenient way to recover signals from noisy recordings with dense 2D arrays, leading to a considerable improvement in data quality compared with conventional Fourier, wavelet, and curvelet methods. The partitioned seismic signals and noise would yield advanced earth structure imaging, small‐event detection, ambient noise tomography, and others.

Publication Title

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
