Electronic Theses and Dissertations





Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Musical Arts





Committee Chair

Kenneth Kreitner

Committee Member

Timothy Shiu

Committee Member

Michelle Vigneau

Committee Member

Lenny Schranze


Folk music represents an important part of the national heritages of most cultures around the world. Today the typical folk ensemble includes a combination of traditional and modern instruments, and performances are given to accompany important life events (birth, marriage, death) or at music festivals dedicated to the genre. However, traditional music is very rarely performed in the concert hall, mostly because of the lack of literature. This compilation comes as a response to the string quartets who may wish to explore new possibilities and add authentically sounding pieces to their repertoire.The selections in this book are designed to challenge the performers stylistically, musically and technically, and are structures into three suites that include a total of twenty-five traditional songs from various regions of Romania. In addition, a short piece of virtuosic character has been arranged for string quartet, which may be included in concert programs as an encore--"Hora Furtuna", a composition by Grigoras Dinicu.Challenges to the performers include the frequent use of melodic embellishments, progressive increase of tempo from one piece to another, and composite time signatures. The suites have been structured to allow ensembles to separate each of the songs easily so they can also be performed as short pieces.This compilation also includes an overview of the suites, along with some insights into the stylizing procedures for those who may be interested to learn how the songs were arranged and linked together into a suite.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
