Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Fine Arts
Creative Writing
Committee Chair
Marcus Wicker
Committee Member
Alice Bolin
Committee Member
Verner Mitchell
My thesis manuscript is a collection of narrative, confessional poems entitled Live Anyway. The story my work seeks to tell is one of trauma and the complicated attempts at creating family by one who has tried to love her initial caretakers, lost, struggled with the emotional damage in the wake of that loss and then gone on to love again and again. My poetry explores childhood wounds alongside an adult version of the self who has chosen romantic love as a way to keep faith in family and in humanity. The story is one told with the magical-thinking embedded in an occult-leaning Caribbean culture and with a sensitivity to the natural world. It's also told through the lens of a preoccupation with pop culture consumed in visual art, music, television and classic Hollywood film, and in spite of spirals through anxiety and obsession. Concrete, juxtaposed images and clear dramatic situations provide entryways into themes of desire, disappointment, memory, survival and the relentless will to repeat and recapitulate romantic love and domestic bliss.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
Recommended Citation
Maysonet, Daphne Dee, "Live Anyway" (2019). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 1993.
Data is provided by the student.