Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Musical Arts
Committee Chair
David W Spencer
Committee Member
Kraig A Williams
Committee Member
Kenneth R Kreitner
Committee Member
John T Mueller
This is a guide to performers for the preparation and performance of the Sonata for Trumpet and Piano (1995) by Stanley Friedman. Included is biographical information about Dr. Friedman, a history of the Sonata and the eighteenth-century hymn tune it is based on, The Morning Trumpet, and an analysis of the Sonata. The analysis focuses on relevant areas for performers, including the work's form, melody, harmony, and rhythm and how they relate. The preparation guide examines the work further for the use of instruments, range, endurance concerns, different articulation styles needed to be used, the melodic shapes and their interpretation, mutes and muting, tempi, and dynamics. Suggestions are given for each of these topics. The dissertation concludes with final remarks to the performer by Dr. Friedman regarding the work and a presentation of the future development of the Sonata. A comprehensive list of works and discography of Dr. Friedman's works is included in the appendices.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
Recommended Citation
Millsap, Kyle David, "The Morning Trumpet: A Guide to the History, Analysis, and Preparation for the Sonata for Trumpet and Piano by Stanley Friedman" (2011). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 234.
Data is provided by the student.