Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
Committee Chair
Stephen Zanskas
Committee Member
Steven West
Committee Member
Jasmine Johnson
Committee Member
Michelle Brasfield
As technology increases, so does the integration of technology in educational settings. That integration also extends to school counseling and the field of counseling in its entirety. The purpose of this study is to compare the role and functions of an online and traditional setting school counselor. Due to virtual/online school counseling still being in the early stages, there is limited research about what a virtual school counseling program looks like or the academic outcomes for students enrolled in virtual schools. As more virtual schools emerge, it is imperative that we investigate the best practices for online school counseling. Should online school counselors follow the same standards as school counselors in a traditional counseling program? Or should virtual school counselors have their own standards? Increased research will help states determine how online schools should be operated. Since online schooling is still fairly new in the K-12 setting, there are some misconceptions about virtual school. Further research into the best practices for online education, may help to dispel some of these misconceptions. Lastly, further research can lead to discussions about how school counselor education should or should not change as an increase of virtual school counselors may arise. Additionally, what should Professional Development looks like for current and future counselors, both in the virtual and traditional setting. The current research found that there are some differences between the activity rates of virtual school counselors and traditional school counselors. Traditional school counselors spent more time completing various activities than virtual school activities. Further research is needed to investigate the reasons for the differences.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest
Recommended Citation
Aldridge, LaTraci, "The Roles and Functions of the Virtual School Counselor" (2021). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 2404.
Data is provided by the student.