Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education
Leadership & Policy Studies
Committee Chair
Ronald Platt
Committee Member
Karen Kitchens
Committee Member
Niles Reddick
Committee Member
Stephan Zanskas
AbstractThis study examined the impact of the Tennessee Promise program on enrollment, retention, and persistence in three community colleges in Tennessee. The three colleges represented the three major geographical regions of Tennessee. The three community colleges were Jackson State Community College, Motlow State Community College, and Cleveland State Community College. The data collected was census data from the three colleges involved in the study. The three parts of the study focused on enrollment, measured by a trend analysis, retention, measured by a test of proportions, and enrollment, measured by a non-parametric test on the median number of semesters to graduation. The results for all three parts of the study showed mixed results. Enrollment showed an initial increase and then stagnated. Retention showed statistically significant results for some colleges and not statistically significant results for others. The benchmark for persistence showed mixed results. The results for students that were Tennessee Promise eligible or not and the time periods of pre-Tennessee Promise launch, Tennessee Promise launch, and post-Tennessee Promise launch showed no statistically significant results. The results for the number of semesters for graduation did not show statistically significant results.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest
Recommended Citation
Englert, Dawn N., "The Impact of Tennessee Promise on Community College Enrollment, Retention, and Persistence" (2021). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 2525.
Data is provided by the student.