Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education
Higher & Adult Education
Committee Chair
Wendy Griswold
Committee Member
Donna Menke
Committee Member
Eric Platt
Committee Member
Charisse Gulosino
AbstractHall, John R. Ed. D. The University of Memphis. July 2019. The Effects of Self-leadership on the Job Satisfaction and Job Performance of Online Instructors. Major Professor: Dr. Wendy Griswold.Innovations in technology and media have led to changes in the way that higher education is experienced. Today, the convenience, accessibility and flexibility of online learning are embraced by students across the globe. In response to these progressive advancements along with increasing competition for enrollment growth and budgetary concerns, many college and university leaders are framing online education as key element of their strategies for the future. Rising demands for online programming and the rapid evolution of media for education has prompted decision makers to evaluate the similarities and differences between the traditional face-to-face classroom and online learning environments and establish adequate training and development initiatives for faculty members who facilitate online courses. Some instructors embrace online instruction while others resist change or struggle to adapt from familiar methods to online delivery. Like many online students, online instructors fulfill their role in the educational process by often working autonomously and independently. The self-directed behaviors of online instructors play an important role in determining the job performance and the job satisfaction of this employee group. Hierarchical linear regression was used in this study to determine the extent to which self-leadership behaviors and practices predict the job performance and job satisfaction of online instructors in higher education. It was hypothesized that online instructors that practice self-leadership behaviors are more satisfied with their job and perform better on the job than those who do not engage in such behaviors. While controlling for specific demographic factors, self-leadership and its three dimensions were the independent variables while job performance and job satisfaction were the dependent variables. The study focused on online instructors at eleven U.S. colleges and universities. The research identified how each of three dimensions of self-leadership - behavior-focused strategies, natural reward strategies, and constructive thought pattern strategies - affects the job performance and job satisfaction of online instructors. The results of this study will aid in the design and modification of training and development programs for these higher education employees.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest
Recommended Citation
Hall, John, "The Effects of Self-leadership on the Job Satisfaction and Job Performance of Online Instructors" (2019). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 2567.
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