Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education
Instruction & Curriculum Leadership
Committee Chair
Andrew Tawfik
Committee Member
Yvonne Earnshaw
Committee Member
Clif Mims
Committee Member
Craig Shepherd
Due to an increasing number of students gaining access to online courses, online education is quickly becoming more prevalent within the learning paradigm. In order to accommodate students with disabilities (SWD), a need arised to create an inclusive learningenvironment which allows all learners to feel comfortable in their learning without feeling any prejudice. Federal laws were passed to protect SWD and thus, educational models were developed to create an inclusive learning environment especially SWD. Amongst one of the models developed to create an inclusive learning environment is the universal design for learning (UDL). However, despite the existence of UDL research for SWD, there is still an empirical gap that investigates the discrepancy between UDL attitudes and actions of faculty to create an inclusive learning environment especially for SWD. To address this gap, quantitative data were collected from 32 faculty members who taught at least one online course at a public university in the southern region of the United States using the Inclusive Teaching Strategies Inventory (ITSI; Lombardi et al., 2015) to examine faculty members attitudes and self-reported actions toward accessibility in online higher education courses. Specifically, the constructs measured included: accommodations, accessiblecourse materials, course modifications, inclusive classroom, and inclusive assessment. In this study, the researcher identified statistically significant differences between the attitudes and actions among faculty members in their support of SWDs in online education for each of the five constructs. By identifying differences between attitudes and practices among faculty members,this study identifies gaps that could be used to improve online learning, IDT courses, professional development in higher education contexts, and also professional organizations, such as special education organizations and instructional technology organizations. This research could further be used to address the identified gaps and improve academic outcomes for SWD.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest
Open Access
Recommended Citation
Khan, Habibah, "Faculty Members Attitudes and Self-reported Actions Towards Accessibility in Online Higher Education." (2020). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 2620.
Data is provided by the student.