Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Mechanical Engineering
Committee Chair
Ranganathan Gopalakrishnan
Committee Member
Yue Guan
Committee Member
Yong Hoon Lee
The relative motion of ions with respect to objects/grains in a plasma leads to the ion drag force 1-5, like the drag force experienced by surfaces immersed in flows of neutral fluids. Ion drag force F ⃗_id plays a critical role in the collective motion and self-organization of grains in plasmas 6, 7, void formation in We present trajectory simulation-based modeling to capture the interactions between ions and charged grains in dusty or complex plasmas. Our study is motivated by the need for a self-consistent and experimentally validated approach for accurately calculating the ion drag force and grain charge that determine grain collective behavior in plasmas. We implement Langevin Dynamics in a computationally efficient multiscale approach to capture multiscale ion and grain dynamics. Along with critical assessments of our approach, suggestions for future experimental design to probe charging of and momentum transfer onto grains that capture the effect of space charge concentration and external fields are outlined.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest.
Open Access
Recommended Citation
madugula, venkata srinuvas sai kiran, "Self consistent calculations of the electric charge, ion drag force, and the drift velocity of spherical grains using Langevin dynamics and comparisons against canonical experiments" (2024). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 3460.
Data is provided by the student.”