Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Committee Chair
Kristoffer Berlin
Committee Member
Randy Floyd
Committee Member
Emily Srisarajivakul
Objective: The use of Item Response Theory (IRT) for measure development has increased in the mental health profession as IRT serves as the foundation for computerized adaptive tests (CAT). Components of IRT can be used to ensure equitable assessment across proxies of oppression on the latent construct through differential Item functioning (DIF) analyses. The focus of this study is the confirmation of the three-factor structure of the Pediatric Symptom Checklist 17 (PSC-17) and uniform and non-uniform DIF analysis of the PSC-17 items among youth living with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D), a population for which equitable and rapid assessment is essential. Methods: 179 youth participants from the PRYDE sample completed the 17-item version of the PSC. Participants identified as “Female” (50%), “Male” (50%), Black/A.A. (56.1%), and White (43.9%). Youths’ ages ranged from 12-18 years old (M=14.62, SD = 1.7). Participants' most recent HbA1c was obtained from their medical records. Results: Model fit for the initial CFAs of the PSC-17 were adequate. Evidence for the retention of the three-factor model for the PSC-17 with T1D youth was confirmed. Finally, there was no significant uniform or non-uniform DIF present for any of the variables evaluated. Conclusions: These findings provide some preliminary evidence of non-DIF, suggesting that the PSC-17 may be meaningfully free of biases for our sample
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest
Open Access
Recommended Citation
Sisco, Alec, "Examining Differential Item Functioning and the Factor Structure of the Pediatric Symptom Checklist-17 Items Across Race, Family Income, Gender, Illness Duration, and Glycemic Health in Black and White Youth with Type 1 Diabetes" (2023). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 3470.
Data is provided by the student.