Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
Business Administration
Committee Chair
Pankaj Jain
Committee Member
Pankaj Jain
Committee Member
Jeff Black
Committee Member
Allen Carrion
Committee Member
Sabatino Silveri
Despite a longstanding debate over the pros and cons of imposing legal liability on corporate directors and officers, there is limited research on how managerial litigation affects a firm’s future stock price crash risk. Essay 1 examines how the change in Nevada corporate law in 2001, which lowers the legal liability of corporate managers of Nevada-incorporated firms, affects the likelihood of future stock price crashes. We find that such a legal change leads to a decrease in stock price crash risk, and the effect is more pronounced for small, young, and weakly governed firms. Further analysis indicates that the decrease in crash risk is driven by reduced earnings management and enhanced quality of corporate information disclosures. Overall, our evidence suggests that lower managerial legal liability encourages managers to improve corporate information environment that decreases stock price crash risk. In Essay 2, exploiting the staggered adoption of data breach notification (DBN) laws, which obligate firms to disclose data breaches when they occur, as an exogenous shock to data breach disclosures, we find that the adoption of these laws leads to higher future stock price crash risk. The positive relation between DBN laws and crash risk is more pronounced for firms with weaker corporate governance, higher financial constraints, and higher information asymmetry. Our findings suggest that investors’ concerns about the consequences of data breaches and the vulnerability of breached firms’ data security heighten stock price crash risk. Essay 3 investigates the impact of psychological barriers on institutional trading behaviors. We find that net institutional demand is positively associated with proximity to the 52-week highs, while it is negatively associated with proximity to the historical highs. Conditioning these price-to-high ratios, we further show that institutional trading can strongly predict future stock returns. Overall, these findings support behavioral exploitation hypothesis, suggesting that institutional investors capitalize on other investors’ behavioral biases.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest.
Embargoed until 11/1/2024
Recommended Citation
Cao, Hung Dong, "Three essays in Stock Price Crash Risk and Institutional Trading" (2024). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 3556.
Data is provided by the student.