Electronic Theses and Dissertations



Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Business Administration

Committee Chair

Alex Lindsey


This study identifies intersectional perspective taking as a diversity training approach that could reduce negative attitudes toward intersectional groups. The present research focuses on one specific intersectional group (e.g, Black women). In doing so, perspective taking effects for a single stigmatized identity (e.g., Black employees, women) and Black women (an intersectional group) are examined. Utilizing a sample of profiled participants, this research investigates whether White male managers had less prejudiced attitudes toward Black employees, women, and Black women after taking the perspective of a stigmatized group. In a 4 (perspective taking instructions: racial vs. gendered vs. intersectional vs. control) x 2 (mindset: growth vs. fixed) between-subjects design, racial, gendered, and intersectional perspective taking were compared to the control group. Results indicated there were no significant differences in the means among the perspective taking groups and the control group for race-, gender based, and intersectional attitudes. Further, state empathy was examined as a mediator between each perspective taking condition and its respective attitudinal outcome (e.g., race-, gender-based, and intersectional attitudes). Results revealed that state empathy mediated the relationships between each perspective taking condition and the dependent variables of interest. Finally, the present research predicted that growth and fixed mindset could be an important training characteristic in determining which participants are resistant to diversity training. No evidence was found, suggesting that the indirect effects of racial, gendered, and intersectional perspective taking on race-, gender-based, and intersectional attitudes via state empathy was not stronger for trainees primed with a growth versus fixed mindset. Future research directions and practical implications are discussed.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest.


Embargoed until 5/2/2026

Available for download on Saturday, May 02, 2026
