Electronic Theses and Dissertations





Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Business Administration



Committee Member

Christine X Jiang

Committee Member

Quentin C Chu

Committee Member

Mark Sunderman


This dissertation is composed of three essays. The first essay investigates the information content of the limit order book (LOB) on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SHSE), a purely order-driven market, for predicting future stock price volatility. We find that the LOB supply schedule consistently and significantly predicts the future price volatility. But this predictive power of LOB declines during the extreme market wide movements. We also find that buy orders are more informative over future price volatility than sell orders but sell (buy) orders becomes more informative during the extreme market wide down (up) movement days. Finally, we document that predictive power of LOB is short lived and markets are efficient over the longer time horizon. The second essay examines the effect of high frequency trading on market quality, systemic risk and trading strategies. In 2010 the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the largest exchange headquartered outside the US, introduced a new trading platform, Arrowhead, which reduced latency by 99.97% and increased co-located high-frequency trading from zero to 36% of volume. Arrowhead improved market liquidity and reduced volatility, but it also amplified systematic risks factors like quotes to trade ratio, order-flow autocorrelation and cross correlation, and tail risks. Arrowhead also affected trading strategies by increasing trade price predictability and the use of fleeting orders. Cost of immediacy serves as a channel through which reduced latency affects market quality, systematic risks, and trading outcome. The third essay analyzes the links between corporate finance policies and investment clienteles by comparing the cross-sectional variation in the dividend payout policies of companies across 32 countries. Beyond the impact of firm-specific accounting and financial variables, this study investigates how the country level variations: shareholder demand due to demographic variations and consumption needs, agency problems manifested in the extent of minority shareholder protection and business disclosures, and market quality in terms of transparency and liquidity; affect dividend payout policies. We find that firms have generous dividend payout policies when diverse shareholder demands are strong, extents of business disclosures and legal protections are weak, and the market qualities are poor. The empirical evidence supports the presence of strong dividend clienteles in a global setting.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
