Electronic Theses and Dissertations





Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Instr and Curr Leadership


Instructional Design and Tech

Committee Chair

Deborah Lowther

Committee Member

Jerrie L. Scott

Committee Member

Lee Edward Allen

Committee Member

Michael Maurice Grant


The purpose of this research was to provide a qualitative sutdy exploring the collaboration between three teachers and the School Library Information Specialist (SLIS) on the instructional design of curriculum. In this study, collaboration means working together to meet standards and guidelines. The SLIS, in the role of instructional consultant to the teacher, is to collaborate and to be part of the team that designs, develops, and implements instruction. The teacher and the SLIS collaborating is the theory but not always the practice.The research was conducted in a grade 1-6 elementary school. Data from individual interviews, classroom artifacts, and observations, comprised the primary data. The transcribed, coded, and analyzed data were used to determine if the efforts and activities of the participants led to collaboration. Triangulation and member checks added to the credibility and trustworthiness of the study.The focus was on the following research questions: (1) In what ways do teachers and the SLIS collaborate on the instructional design of curriculum? (2) How do the teachers describe the collaboration with the SLIS on the instructional design of curriculum? and (3) How do the SLIS describe the collaboration with the teachers on the instructional design of curriculum? Three themes became apparent after analyzing the interview transcripts and noting the participants' experiences. The first theme described the typical ways the teachers and the SLIS designed the curriculum and objectives. The second theme described the ways the SLIS and the teacher collaborated. In the third theme the methods used by the teachers and the SLIS to work around a fixed schedule in the library media center were discussed.Despite the restriction of a fixed schedule, data revealed collaboration between the SLIS and teachers was occurring, although not in formal meetings. Successful collaboration in this study was evident in the strong personal strivings by teachers and the SLIS to communicate needs and provide support. The findings emphasized the importance of collaboration as an untapped source that could lighten the teachers' load. The findings supported a need for collaboration and added to the knowledge base.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
