Statistical investigation of the behavior of frp confined concrete prisms based on experimental data


Confining concrete columns with fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) is one the most effective methods to increase their strength and ductility. To have a reliable and economical design, the stress-strain behavior of FRP confined concrete under different types of loadings needs to be properly examined and the influence of parameters affecting this behavior should be considered. In this study, the results from previous experimental tests on FRP confined concrete prisms, including rectangular, square and cylindrical prisms, under the action of cyclic and monotonic loadings are reviewed and the effect of aspect ratio and corner radius on different aspects of cyclic and monotonic stress-strain behavior of these prisms is discussed. A statistical analysis is also provided and the accuracy of the presented monotonic models is evaluated. The results of the statistical analysis are very helpful for developing a stress-strain model.

Publication Title

Structures Congress 2015 - Proceedings of the 2015 Structures Congress
