Anatomy of regional phases and source characterization of the Soviet joint verification experiment, underground nuclear explosion


C. A. Langston


Broadband data from the NRDC deployment of stations in Kazakhstan at Karkaralinsk (KKL) and Bayanual (BAY) are subjected to detailed waveform modeling to understand the nature of regional wave propagation and to determine the nature of the explosion time function and sources of low- and high-frequency "tectonic release'. Minor modification of a crustal model inferred from DSS studies in the region is very effective in explaining the arrival times, amplitudes, and wave-shapes of the Pn and Pmp arrivals at both stations. The SH-wave data are remarkable, however, for showing a large, high-frequency arrival after the expected and observed arrival of SmS from the explosion source. These secondary S arrivals imply a secondary source 1 to a few kilometers to the south of the shot point. -from Author

Publication Title

Bulletin - Seismological Society of America

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