Evidence for Non-Innocence of a β-Diketonate Ligand


β-Diketonates, such as acetylacetonate, are amongst the most common bidentate ligands towards elements across the entire periodic table and are considered wholly redox-inactive in their complexes. Herein we show that complexation of 1,1,1,5,5,5-hexafluoroacetylacetonate (hfac−) to CrII spontaneously affords CrIII and a reduced β-diketonate radical ligand scaffold, as evidenced by crystallographic analysis, magnetic measurements, optical spectroscopy, reactivity studies, and DFT calculations. The possibility of harnessing β-diketonates as electron reservoirs opens up possibilities for new metal–ligand concerted reactivity in the ubiquitous β-diketonate coordination chemistry.

Publication Title

Chemistry - A European Journal
