Issues on computer search for large order multiple recursive generators


Multiple Recursive Generators (MRGs) have become the most popular random number generators recently. They compute the next value iteratively from the previous k values using a k-th order recurrence equation which, in turn, corresponds to a k-th degree primitive polynomial under a prime modulus p. In general, when k and p are large, checking if a k-th degree polynomial is primitive under a prime modulus p is known to be a hard problem. A common approach is to check the conditions given in Alanen and Knuth [1964] and Knuth [1998]. However, as mentioned in Deng [2004], this approach has two obvious problems: (a) it requires the complete factorization of pk - 1, which can be difficult; (b) it does not provide any early exit strategy for non-primitive polynomials. To avoid (a), one can consider a prime order k and prime modulus p such that (pk - 1)/(p - 1) is also a prime number as considered in L'Ecuyer [1999] and Deng [2004]. To avoid (b), one can use a more efficient iterative irreducibility test proposed in Deng [2004]. In this paper, we survey several leading probabilistic and deterministic methods for the problems of primality testing and irreducibility testing. To test primality of a large number, it is known that probabilistic methods are much faster than deterministic methods. On the other hand, a probabilistic algorithm in fact has a very tiny probability of, say, 10-200 to commit a false positive error in the test result. Moreover, even when such an unlikely event had happened, for a specific choice of k and p, it can be argued that such an error has a negligible effect on the successful search of a primitive polynomial. We perform a computer search for large-order DX generators proposed in Deng and Xu [2003] and present many such generators in the paper for ready implementation. An extensive empirical study shows that these large-order DX generators have passed the stringent Crush battery of the TestU01 package. © 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

Publication Title

Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2006
