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The front page of No. 1899 of "Le Petit Journal" published in Paris, France, on May 15, 1927. The illustration is titled "Les Ravages du Mississippi" referring to the destruction wrought by the great flood of the Mississippi River that year. The subtitle "Les habitants, menacés par la rupture volontaire de la dique, refusent d'évacuer les plaines qui vont être inondées" refers to local people refusing to leave their low-lying land despite the threat of flooding from the deliberate breaching of the levee planned by the army in an effort to relieve pressure elsewhere. An interesting European view of the people and landscape of the Mississippi River valley.
MVP 2373
1927 May 15
Floods--Mississippi River--1920-1930.
Recommended Citation
"Les Ravages du Mississippi, Le Petit Journal, Paris, 1927" (2021). United States and beyond. 58.