“Another Earthquake...”
Alexandria Herald
Page and Column
Page 2, Column 3
Newspaper Location
Alexandria, Virginia
Serial Number
Report from Charleston, South Carolina for the December 17, 1811 earthquake. Possible aftershock of the December 16, 1811 earthquake. Time of the quake was 12:15 pm ( local time) Effect was to vibrate suspended articles and be felt by people in houses but not on the street. The December 16, 1811 earthquake was noted to have been felt at Goose Creek but with no damage. Goose Creek is approximately 10 miles north of Charleston. Also notes that a house was damaged at Charleston, the upper part of the city. The owners name was Mr. Bunetheau.
CHARLESTON, December 18. ANOTHER EARTHQUAKE was felt yesterday at fifteen minutes past twelve o'clock. Its duration did not exceed thirty seconds.-The shock was so severe as to be very sensibly felt, generally by those in their houses, while those in the streets were not aware of it. Articles in a hanging position vibrated considerably, and as far as we can learn, their vibrations were from North to South. The shock on Monday morning at three o'clock, was felt severely at Goose Creek, and its neighborhood; fortunately without damage. The weather yesterday as on Monday, cloudy and rainy, with a slight breeze from the N. N. E. Thermometer at fifty-six. We learn that the house of a Mr. Bunetheau, at the upper end of the city, was so damaged by the first shock, at three o'clock on Monday morning, as to oblige the family to move out.
Recommended Citation
"“Another Earthquake...”" (1811). New Madrid Compendium Far-Field Database. 1103.