“Another Earthquake”
Alexandria Herald
Page and Column
Page 2, Column 4”
Newspaper Location
Alexandria, Virginia
Serial Number
Felt report for the February 7, 1812 earthquake from Richmond, Virginia. Time of the earthquake was 3:55 am (local time), duration was between one and two minutes. Furniture and beds were rocked and things were swayed back and forth. Quake was accompanied by a rumbling noise. One chimney was noted to be damaged that of Judge Roane’s house. Also asks rhetorically about it being part of John Randolph’s imagination. Randolph was noted Virginia politician of the time.
RICHMOND, February 8. ANOTHER EARTHQUAKE was felt in this City, yesterday morning (the 7th) about 5 minutes before 4 o'clock. The undulation was more powerful than any we have ever felt. Several persons were awaked from their sleep-the bed-steads rocked like cradles-pendulous bodies vibrated; and every thing that was susceptible of a moderate degree of motion, was heard or felt to tremble under the convulsions of our "parent earth." We felt the shock between 1 and 2 minutes.-Some persons distinctly discerned 2 shocks; others 3 & 4.-The duration seemed to vary to different persons. There appeared a rumbling noise, like the motion of wagons over a pavement, to the North East. A part of the chimney in the house, tenanted by Judge Roane, was tumbled upon the roof. The vibration appeared to us to be North and South. More food for Mr. Randolph's imagination! Query--Is the sound of an Earthquake, or flight of birds to the North-East, a bad or an auspicious omen? We wish Mr. R. would consult the books of the Sibils.--Enquirer.
Recommended Citation
"“Another Earthquake”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium Far-Field Database. 1117.