“A severe shock of an earthquake....”





Charleston Courier

Page and Column

Page 3, Column 1

Newspaper Location

Charleston, South Carolina

Serial Number



Felt report fro the January 23, 1812 earthquake at Savannah, Georgia. Time of shock was a few minutes after 9:00 am. Duration was more than a minute. Direction was from west to east. “Looking glasses and lamps vibrated and the fixtures in several apartments were so violently shaken, that the nails were loosened.” It was noted that nausea was felt with the quake.


A severe shock of an Earthquake was felt here, this morning, a few minutes after nine o'clock. It was much more forcible than those noticed by us lately, and continued more than a minute. The nausea at the stomach, giddiness of the head, and movement of unfixed bodies, were as sensible, in this, as on similar occasions lately noticed. Its direction, by some, is supposed to have been east and west; by others, north and south; and, by some, both ways. Looking glasses and lamps vibrated; and the fixtures in several apartments were so violently shaken, that the nails were loosened. Savannah Ledger, Jan. 23.
