





The Clarion

Page and Column

Page 2, Column 4

Newspaper Location

Nashville, Tennessee

Serial Number



Synopsis of felt reports in the Nashville, Clarion, Cities mentions, Richmond, Norfolk, Alexandria, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Lexington, Knoxville, Abingdon, Carthage, New Orleans, Natchez.


EARTHQUAKE. The following is a summary of the accounts published in the distant papers. None but the two first are noticed; but that is probably owing to their being felt in so slight a degree as not, excite the same feelings as the first. About fifty has been felt here since the 16th ult. At Richmond, (Virg.) it was felt very distinctly. Between the hours of 3 and 4, and about 8-no mention of any injury. At Norfolk, Virginia, very sensibly perceived-and about the same time as at Richmond-shook the goods off the counters, &c. At Alexandria (Virginia) between 2 and 3 o'clock one shock was felt and another about 8, and continued about 30 seconds. It shook the furniture in the house and stopped some clocks. At Baltimore, about 3 and 8 o'clock a shock was experienced, and the undulations continued for 40 minutes. Not sufficient to damage anything. At Philadelphia, no mention is made in our papers of it-nor to the north thereof. At Lexington (Kentucky) about half past 2 it was felt and last 2 minutes. A little after 3 it was again felt, and between 7 and 8 there were two more shocks. At Knoxville, it was much the same as here. At Abington, it is said there was no shock. At Carthage, about 3 o'clock the shock was felt. They continued for 4 hours-the tops of chimneys shaken off. At Orleans no mention is made of it. At Natchez the papers do not mention the shock but travelers state it was felt there.

