"“yesterday morning at about 4 o’clock”"

“yesterday morning at about 4 o’clock”





Western Spy

Page and Column

Page 1 Column 3 and 4

Newspaper Location

Cincinnati, Ohio

Serial Number



Felt report from Pittsburgh for either the January 23, 1812 or February 7, 1812 earthquake. Mentions earthquake lights and a fireball passing over the town prior to the quake. From the Pittsburgh Mercury.


Yesterday morning about four o'clock there were some very violent earthquake shocks felt here. Many persons extremely alarmed rose from their beds, and ran to the streets. In some parts of the town the people were heard to scream with terror. Flashes of light similar to those seen on the 16th of Dec. were perceived towards the south-west. This last concussion was greater than any of those that were felt here before. There was another slighter shock last night between 10 and 11 o'clock. A few nights ago, a large brilliant ball passed over this place, from north to south, its apparent bulk, or angle of view, was equal to that of the moon at the full, and its light was about equal. The time of its passing from one side of the horizon to the other was three or four seconds. Pittsburgh Mercury.

