"“For the Register”"

“For the Register”





Raleigh Register

Page and Column

Page 4, Column 1

Newspaper Location

Raleigh, North Carolina

Serial Number



Felt report for February 7, 1812 earthquake at Raleigh, North Carolina. Possibly February 14. Times felt were 4:00am and between 10 and 11 that evening. Also accompanied by a poem on earthquakes and natural disasters.


FOR THE REGISTER. On Friday morning, about 4 o'clock, the shock of an Earthquake was sensibly felt in this City, and a slight one on Friday night, between 10 and 11. "These are," indeed, "times of wonder." --Comets-Eclipses-Tornadoes-Earthquakes. Men. Of Genius!-While they who know the history of the world, and fear the power of the Almighty, tremble at these portentous signs. "Forth steps the spruce Philosopher, and tells Of homogeneal and discordant springs, And principles: Of causes, how they work. By necessary laws their sure effects; Of action and re-action. He has found The source of the disease that Nature feels, And bids the World take heed and banish fear. Thou fool! Will thy discovery of the cause Suspend the effect, or heal it? Has not GOD Still wrought by means, since first he made the world And did he not of old employ his means To drown it? What is his creation less Than a capricious reservoir of means Form'd for his use, and ready at his will? Go, dress thine eyes with eye-salve; Ask of Him Or ask of whomsoever he has taught, And learn, tho' late, the genuine cause of all."

