“A volcanic eruption...”





Savannah Republican

Page and Column

Page 3, Column 1

Newspaper Location

Savannah, Georgia

Serial Number



Brief article reprinted from the Raleigh Minerva noting that a source for the earthquakes was a report of a volcano in Buncombe county, North Carolina. Based on John C. Edwards account,


A volcanic eruption, it was reported, some days ago, had occurred in some of the mountains between out frontier and that of North Carolina; but so credit was attached to it, that it was not attended to. The following extract of a letter, however, to the editor of the Raleigh Minerva, of February 7th, seems to be a corroboration of the report prevalent here, and we give it as we receive it, without vouching for its authenticity:-- "VOLCANO!-A letter from the westward, received in town, asserts that a Volcano has burst forth in the Buncomb mountains, either of this state or Tennessee, which throws up stones, ashes, and lava. The light is said to be discernable at a considerable distance. Should the account prove correct, we shall find no difficulty in ascertaining the cause of the late numerous Earthquakes."
