“Extract of a letter....”





Savannah Republican

Page and Column

Page 3, Column 1

Newspaper Location

Savannah, Georgia

Serial Number



Report of an volcanic eruption from St. Bartholomew in the Caribbean. Dated January 1, 1812.


INTELLIGENCER EXTRAORDINARY. Extract of a letter from St. Bartholomews, dated the 1st January, 1812. "A most surprising event has lately occurred on this island. I hasten to inform you thereof for the benefit of your merchants. It is this-A volcano has just broken out on the top of the peak overlooking our harbor.-The crater is circular; the lava runs down the hill without intermission, and appears inexhaustible. But, what will astonish you most, is, that the lava, as it issues from the mouth of the crater, is actually pure molasses--as it descends towards our narrow valley, it is chrystallized in to brown sugar of various qualities; in some parts, it assumes the appearance of Guadaloupe sugar; in others, Martinique; and in other places, Barbadoes, &c. We are employed in putting it in hogsheads, tierces and barrels, and as quickly as we can accomplish this object, it is bought up for your market. The crater also discharges into the air, immense quantities of what appears, to us below, very small pebbles; but, on a close investigation turn out to be actually COFFEE, as like the growth of all the [unreadable] windward island coffee as possible. Every soul here is employed in stuffing this prodigious windfall (as precious as the manna in the wilderness) into bags and barrels. I have hastened to inform you of this glorious source of speculation, in order that you and all other friends may either partake of, or sympathize in our good future."
