"“The Year 1811”"

“The Year 1811”





Georgia Express

Page and Column

Page 2, Column 1

Newspaper Location

Athens, Georgia

Serial Number



Description of the various natural disasters that occurred in the United States in 1811. December 16, 1811 earthquake is mentioned.


THE YEAR 1811. In this year several events have occurred, of no common character. A brief notice of them (says the compiler) may not be unacceptable. In this month of September, a COMET made its appearance in the northern part of the Heavens, and passing across our Hemisphere, disappeared at the fourth about the end of the year. On the 10th of December, the city of Charleston, S. C. was visited by one of the most tremendous HURRICANES that ever devastated any country. On the 17th of September, the SUN suffered an annula and almost a total eclipse. The day was remarkably serene, and the sky entirely clear of clouds, so that its appearance was the most solemn and impressive that we could conceive. On the 7th November, the lives of many valuable AMERICANS were lost in a battle with the Indians. On the 16th and 17th December, the western and southern quarters of the U. S. were alarmed with several shocks of an EARTHQUAKE. On the 26th of December, the Theatre at Richmond was consumed by FIRE, and a great number of the most respectable citizens of Virginia perished in the flames. In the summer months, the heats was, in many places, most intense. In the principal cities many lives were lost by the indiscreet use of cold water. The crops, in many parts of the U. S. destroyed by drought; and in many places immense damage was done by overwhelming torrents of rain.

