“After the article respecting the earthquake...”
Augusta Herald
Page and Column
Page 3, Column 1
Newspaper Location
Augusta, Georgia
Serial Number
Article noting that the John C. Edwards account of the December 16, 1811 earthquake was fictitious. Notes that the person who wrote it should have been more considerate and reveal who he is.
After an article respecting the Earth Quake in Buncomb county was in type. we saw a gentleman from that quarter who inform us that the statement is in many particulars incorrect, and that especially, the well known Painted Rock is still remaining quietly in its bed. We are sorry that any person could be so inconsiderate as to give under his own signature a detail of such an occurrence, which should be in any considerable degree incorrect-and, without knowing the writer in this case, we take the liberty of saying he owes it to his own credit to inform the public how he was himself deceived, or why he attempted to deceive others.
Recommended Citation
"“After the article respecting the earthquake...”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium. 733.