“Extract of a Letter to the Editor”





The Times

Page and Column

Page 3, Column 1.

Newspaper Location

Charleston, South Carolina

Serial Number



Felt report form Coosawhatchie, South Carolina for the December 16, 1811 earthquake. “this morning, between 2 and 3 o’clock, a shock of an Earthquake was experienced in this neighborhood, which continued for two or three minutes; and to such a degree, as to shake the whole house, and cause the handles of the drawers and other furniture, to jingle-water was spilt from a tumbler which was pretty full, by the concussion. We experienced two shocks, but not as severe as the first.”


EXTRACT OF A LETTER TO THE EDITOR "Coosawhatchie, Dec. 16. "This morning, between 2 and 3 o'clock, a shock of an Earthquake, was experienced in this neighbourhood, which continued for two or three minutes; and to such a degree, as to shake the whole house, and cause the handles of the drawers, and other furniture, to jingle-water was spilt from a tumbler which was pretty full, by the concussion. We experienced two other shocks, but not as severe as the first."
