Electronic Theses and Dissertations





Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Leadership and Policy Studies


Educational Leadership

Committee Chair

Larry McNeal

Committee Member

Reginald Leon Green

Committee Member

Mitsunori Misawa

Committee Member

Charisse Atibagos Gulosino


This qualitative study seeks to obtain an in-depth understanding of aspects of Igbo culture that influence educational practices of female and male 12th grade students in their career choices as they approach their graduation from high schools in Enugu State. The study was based upon previous researches that held that Igbo culture limits choice of careers among female 12th grade students in Nigeria. It would answer the overarching question that inquires to explore those aspects of Igbo culture that influence educational practices of female and male 12th grade students in their choice of careers in Enugu State Schools. The research design that was used in this study was focus group interview. Purposeful and snowball samplings were employed in the choice of participants that were interviewed. This was to enable the researcher to select only those that have expert knowledge of the Igbo culture. The population for the study was thirty one, comprising of the traditional ruler of town and 10 members of his cabinet that formed the first focus group, and ten men and ten women village representatives that form the second and third focus groups respectively. The interview was both individual and focus groups semi-formal and semi-structured audio taped. Transcription was made. The analysis of texts from the transcribed audio tapes and the archival documents comprised of coding, categorizing and themes. Also the data were analyzed within the context of the three main historical periods in Igbo culture, namely; the pre-colonial, colonial, and post-colonial. Tracing the relationship in the historical development of some key cultural factors over the time between these three periods in Igbo culture, the researcher expressed some key cultural factors that were involved. Conclusions were developed from “ground up” rather than from “top down” so as to determine that the study’s aims were met. Ways of overcoming the cultural barriers or empowering female students would be of interest for further studies.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
