Electronic Theses and Dissertations





Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts




Creative Writing

Committee Chair

Cary Holladay

Committee Member

Sonja Livingston

Committee Member

Beverly Bond


The Blueswoman is a novel, set in Memphis that explores the cultural identity of the city through a historical lens as well as the cultural lens of blues music and the rich landscape of Beale Street. This story presents depictions of modern day Memphis, as well the Memphis of the seventies. The main characters, Virginia and Teddy, are life-long lovers who are bound to the blues, just as much as they are tied to one another. Like their great city, they have endured great hardships through both eras, and survived. I have learned a great deal about Memphis writing this novel. The affection that Virginia and Teddy share with the blues and Beale Street has led me to fall in love with the city all over again. I hope that other African Americans, especially those who are native Memphians, will take away a sense of pride from these words and adorn their own struggles as badges of honor. In addition, I hope this story helps shed light on the artists who spend their lives struggling to be heard, to free the multitudes of voiced pinned inside of their hearts. The characters in this novel sing a strong blues. May their songs live in the imaginations of all those who read the following words.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
