Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
Clinical Psychology
Committee Chair
Robert Cohen
Committee Member
Gilbert Parra
Committee Member
Sam Morgan
Committee Member
David Houston
This research identified groups of children using levels of aggression, rejection, and respect. Peer psychosocial outcomes were evaluated in groups of third- through sixth-grade children (N = 422). Four sets of analyses were performed. Groups were defined first by traditional grouping methods and then by data-driven grouping methods. For each method, groups were constructed first in terms of the traditional approach using relative levels of peer rejection and aggression (overt and relational). A second set of analyses for each method constructed groups in terms of relative levels of peer rejection, aggression (overt and relational), and respect by peers. Psychosocial outcomes included measures of self-perceived global competence, self-perceived social competence, self-perception of loneliness, and overall positive perception of peers. Results revealed the universal presence of two distinct groups of children for both traditional and data-driven grouping methods when considering aggression and rejection; a group low in aggression and low in rejection and a group high in aggression and high in rejection. Similarly, the inclusion of respect as a grouping variable yielded two universal groups for traditional and data-driven methods (i.e., low aggression/low rejection/high respect versus high aggression/high rejection/low respect), regardless of aggression type. Findings indicated worse psychosocial outcomes for children who were relatively high on both aggression and rejection. When respect was included as a grouping variable, group differences in psychosocial outcomes generally were not identified.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
Recommended Citation
Egli, Clayton, "The Psychosocial Effects of Being Rejected/Being Aggressive/Being Respected" (2010). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 123.
Data is provided by the student.